Human Rights of Women and Children
Women and child rights should be recognized as human rights. Women and children suffer discrimination in the allocation of economic, social and cultural rights. While women are increasingly using the legal system to exercise their rights, yet lack of awareness of the existence of these rights is an obstacle that prevents women from fully enjoying their human rights and attaining equality. Women should have full knowledge of their rights and access to legal recourse against violation of their rights.
Gender Violence
Violence against women and children are common in the street, in the work place and in the home. The low social and economic status of women can be both cases and consequences of violence against women. Domestic violence are not only cases of physical suffering but disrupts women’s lives and is a measure obstacle to their individual growth and to their participation in the development process.
Women Empowerment
The sustainability of the economic and social empowerment of women depends on the extent of their integration in the political decision-making process. The political participation of women in an indicator through which the extent of the enjoyment of political rights by women is measured. In Bangladesh, it has been realized that without the active participation of women and the incorporation of women’s perspective at all levels of decision-making, the goals of equality, development, and peace cannot be achieved.
Trafficking in Women and Children
Violence against women and children are common in the street, in the work place and in the home. The low social and economic status of women can be both cases and consequences of violence against women. Domestic violence are not only cases of physical suffering but disrupts women’s lives and is a measure obstacle to their individual growth and to their participation in the development process.
Environment and Natural Disaster
Women are worst affected by environmental degradation. Women and children are the hardest hit in disasters like cyclones, floods and riverbank erosions, which displaces whole families. Women’s contribution to conservation and management of natural resources and safeguarding the environment must be adequately recognized and addressed by policy-makers.
Women Migration
Women migrant worker who return empty-handed are the most vulnerable. They usually migrate without following the regular procedures. They end up in trapped situation in the destination country and find it difficult to return home. Many of them try to file cases against their employers in destination countries. However, being threatened by employers, they withdraw their allegations. Even though they migrate, their migration falls under the definition of “trafficking.”
Online Child Abuse and Exploitation
Online child sexual abuse and exploitation is not a new phenomenon, but the digital age with modern devices has exacerbated the problem manifold and now children are more vulnerability than ever. Violence against children though the internet is a growing phenomenon that will continue to affect more children across the world unless action is taken. The protection of children is increasingly challenging in a destructive and abusive environment given the extent of access to modern communication technologies, especially smart mobile phones which children quickly learn and adapt while offenders are trying to find new ways to gain easy access to children without being detected. There are hundreds of millions of images of children being sexually abused on the internet today.